She Speaks to Angels/Dumah's Demons/Falling Angels/Angel codes

New Release!

Angel Codes coming late 2014


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Review from Deb at Goodreads

from Deb @ Goodreads

She Speaks to Angels by Ami Blackwelder Will Have You Soaring

She Speaks to Angels by Ami Blackwelder is the first book in a new trilogy. A young adult novel that brings together angels, demons, romance, and suspense into a gripping story.

Allison looks in shock as a popular football player falls to his death outside her classroom window. Unfortunately, this is not as unusual as you would expect. This begins a mystery that Allison unravels piece by piece. Angels? Demons? How could that even be possible? And more importantly, why do they want to kill her? 

You will be waiting impatiently on the edge of your seat as you wait for what will happen on the next page. I am greatly looking forward to the release of book two.

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